
學邑工程技術顧問股份有限公司 學聯不動產資訊顧問有限公司




執行時間│ 2024
委託單位│ 內政部建築研究所





Due to the late initiation of Taiwan social housing policy, there is a significant gap in the inventory of social housing when compared to Europe, the United States, and other Asian countries. At the current stage, both at the central and local levels, the emphasis of social housing initiatives is primarily on "quantity satisfaction." Faced with long-term and sustainable social housing policies and related projects, the "quality improvement" of social housing still needs to be timely assessed and scrutinized. Particularly, the general housing units of social housing, whether they can be more elderly-friendly or universally accessible, creating a friendly and universally designed environment for residential units will be a crucial aspect of social housing planning and design.

While there have been studies on the inclusive design of barrier-free housing units in social housing in the past, and there are also domestic studies on post-occupancy evaluations of social housing, most of them focus on a single site of social housing (such as the Lin-kou Athletes' Village social housing) or solely use questionnaire surveys. Most studies do not conduct actual post-occupancy evaluations and in-depth interviews for the general housing units in occupied social housing. Therefore, in this case, we hope to explore issues related to the quality of living spaces in social housing units for the elderly through post-occupancy evaluations and interviews. This will provide references for the construction of future general housing units in new social housing projects, as well as improvements to existing general housing units in social housing.


Collect and analyze literature on general housing units in social housing to understand associated characteristics and issues.

Conduct post-occupancy evaluations of recently completed social housing with elderly occupants, gaining insights from expert interviews and seminars.

 Propose measures for creating elderly-friendly environments in social housing units, considering age-friendly perspectives.


(一)  針對3個以上的社會住宅基地,對於家庭成員有高齡者入住之一般住宅單元進行用後評估研究,研提合理的一般住宅單元友善或通用設計環境的具體內容。

Conduct post-occupancy evaluations with elderly residents, proposing practical content for creating friendly environments.


Identify current issues with general housing units in domestic social housing for the elderly, proposing recommendations for regulations and operational manuals to enhance housing quality.


Organize an academic seminar on social housing and age-friendly environments, fostering interactive exchanges among experts and scholars to disseminate research outcomes.



考量社宅只租不售的建築生命週期,研擬社會住宅使用後評估(Post-Occupancy Evaluation;POE),透過用後評估調查研究成果回饋至社宅興辦之各階段,作為後續社宅之計畫、規劃、設計、施工、使用及維護等階段之品質提升參考,並使後續社宅相關規劃設計能有效對應居住使用及營運管理需求。


隨著社會變遷與醫療衛生的進步,生育率與死亡率雙雙出現下降的趨勢,整體人口結構快速趨向高齡化,如何因應高齡化社會,為刻不容緩的議題。如今全國社會住宅興辦數量已逾萬戶,部分招租中社會住宅亦已歷經換約的過程,加上興辦上有BOT、都更分回、機關共構、公有建物整建與自行興建等多元性,目前為進行使用後評估(POE,Post-Occupancy Evaluation)的極佳時機。


